What is experiential learning?

Experiential learning is an engaged learning process whereby students "learn by doing" and by reflecting on the experience. Experiential learning activities can include, but are not limited to, hands-on laboratory experiments, internships, practicums, field exercises, study abroad, undergraduate research, and studio performances.

Opportunity through classwork

Students majoring or minoring in Communication Studies have the option to earn credit for an internship or professional work experience through the course COMM:2828 (Experiential Learning in Communication Studies). This online-only course is for Communication Studies  includes several related assignments including polishing application materials and reflecting on how your experience relates to your studies.

COMM:2828 can be used to fulfill Major Electives, and the course can be repeated twice for a maximum of 6 semester hours.

For those who do not want to pay full tuition A Zero-Credit Hour Internship Course and transcript notation is also available through Pomerantz Career Center.

Finding an internship for COMM:2828

Approach and considerations

Places to look

  • Advertising agencies
  • Media production or communications companies
  • Public relations firms
  • Community publications
  • Magazine publishers
  • Book publishers
  • School programs
  • Youth programs
  • Family programs
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Nonpartisan groups and organizations
  • Sports organizations
  • Health organizations
  • Hospitals
  • Private corporations and businesses
  • City government and services
  • State government entities
  • Social justice organizations
  • Television stations
  • Radio stations
  • Local chamber of commerce
  • Community and cultural festivals
  • Professional organizations
  • Washington Center Internship Program
  • Walt Disney World Internship Program

Some suggested websites:

Confirming validity of organization(s)

Students are responsible for researching the validity of any organization(s) to which they are applying and verifying the information contained in job postings, even if those postings appeared on the HireaHawk system, were sent via university email listservs, were shared by faculty/staff members, or were distributed using any other university resource. The Department of Communication Studies makes no guarantee about positions approved for enrollment in COMM:2828:0001. The department is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment.

Students should also review information available from the Pomerantz Career Center about spotting fraudulent employers and postings.

If you have questions or concerns about the legitimacy of an employer or position announcement, contact the Pomerantz Career Center at 319-335-1023 or careercenter@uiowa.edu or contact the instructor of COMM:2828, or the Communication Studies Educational Advisor, Andrea Krekel.

Get support finding, preparing for, and reporting an internship

For tips on finding, preparing for, or reporting an internship, students can visit the University of Iowa Pomerantz Career Center website.

Details about COMM:2828

Registration requirements

  1. Verify eligibility and requirements
    • Ensure that your job or internship meets the following requirements:
      • You must be a declared Communication Studies major.
      • You must have completed at least 12 credit hours of Communication Studies coursework before enrolling in COMM:2828.
      • The work experience must:
        • Be a structured experience aligned with your professional goals.
        • Be directly supervised by a professional.
        • Take place during the semester you are enrolled in COMM:2828.
      • Determine how many credits to register for:
        • 1 credit = 75 clock hours of work (~4-5 per week)
        • 2 credits = 150 clock hours of work (~8-10 per week)
        • 3 credits = 225 clock hours of work (~12-15 per week)
  2. Contact us for assistance
  3. Register for COMM:2828 on MyUI
    • Register for 1, 2, or 3 credits on MyUI.

Course assignments and policies

Students will be required to submit coursework through ICON. Additional assignment details will be provided on the course ICON site.

Weekly writing assignments

Most weeks of the semester, students will have an opportunity to a) write reflectively about their recent work experience and draw connections between their professional work and information learned in their Communication Studies courses and/or b) complete an assignment related to professional development. Details will be provided.

Final assignment

Students will complete a final assignment that provides a sustained evaluation and analysis of their professional work experience. Details will be provided.

Grading policy

Experiential Learning in Communication Studies, COMM:2828, is graded on an S/F basis only.

Repeating and double-dipping

If you re-enroll in the course, please note that you will need to complete all of the assignments again, even if the course requirements are the same as when you initially enrolled in the course. Students may not reuse assignments from a previous semester. Students may not simultaneously earn credit from more than one department for a single internship or experiential learning opportunity.

Withdrawal from COMM:2828

If it is necessary to terminate your professional work experience and/or withdraw from COMM:2828, you must submit a ‘Change of Registration’ form and withdraw from the course before the deadline has passed.  If such a request is made after the deadline for withdrawing from a course, the student will receive a failing grade for COMM:2828

Television and Media Production Internships and Employment Opportunities

University resources

Undergraduate research

Gain hands-on experience by participating in the research and creative discovery of faculty and staff.


Build on-the-job experience while connecting and networking with professionals in your field.

Study abroad

Enhance your degree, stand out to employers, shape your own perspective, and transform into a global citizen.

Community-engaged courses

Apply your academic skills and knowledge to help community partners solve real-world problems.