Xinyue Tao

Graduate Student

Office Hours


Get to Know Xinyue

Xinyue is a first-year PhD student in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa. While her research interests are still developing, she has found herself using rhetorical approaches to look at issues of global culture, public memory, and the intersections of race, gender, and national identity. She approaches these topics mostly with a focus on materiality, archival research, and experiential methods. She seeks to examine these dynamics within a wide variety of texts including, documented and archival materials, physical sites such as museums and monuments, and modern media productions such as documentaries and movies. For her, all of these are important practices of remembrance that shape how we see ourselves connected to our nation, culture, and community, as well as guiding how subsequent generations will understand the past and conceive of the future.

Xinyue Tao photo
Contact Information

122 Becker Communication Studies Building (BCSB)
United States