Brittany Bahl

Graduate Student

Office Hours

M 1pm-2:30pm (in-person), Th 10am-11:30 am (Zoom) =N1ZCM1FHV0VLWTUwem9hZWp3ZVB wZz09&omn=95558830851

Get to Know Brittany

I'm a third-year PhD student in the rhetoric track of Communications Studies. I’m from Michigan (which will always be home) and I am a fan of the Detroit Lions (I say with absolutely zero shame). I’m an avid reader, and I love video games and playing Dungeons and Dragons. When I’m not teaching or working on schoolwork, I’m spending time with my awesome husband and our three cats.

Brittany Bahl photo
Contact Information

112 Becker Communication Studies Building (BCSB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States