Angela Looney

Instructional Services Manager
Manage CLAS Production Unit making sure all classrooms/labs/studio space/equipment checkout are running in proper order, have all the proper equipment and ancillary tools for each class, and make sure classes have access to spaces and equipment. Work with departments on preparing student technology requests for future procurements of equipment for student and classroom use. Maintain for operational standard various specialized lab spaces with digital and analog equipment. Work with a staff of student workers on learning how to operate equipment for student newscasts, how to operate equipment for student classroom use, and how to work in an inventory system. Maintain contact for service calls and assign to technical staff. Solve systemic problems by developing modifications/innovation in classroom labs and streamline and enhance various processes and procedures for the departments servicing.Monitor, administer the spending and allocation of annual budget. Research, inititate and purchase wide range of film, audio, and video equipment and accessories.


Angie Looney photo
Contact Information

230 Becker Communication Studies Building (BCSB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States