Athletes and Resistance Panel - Sports, Power, and Resistance Obermann Arts & Humanities Symposium

Athletes and Resistance Panel - Sports, Power, and Resistance Obermann Arts & Humanities Symposium promotional image

Panel #3: Athletes and Resistance

  • Adrian Burgos (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign): "In Clemente's Wake: Afro-Latino Ballplayers and the Quest for Respect"

  • Noah Cohan (Washington University, St. Louis): “Raising a Glass Helmet: How Black Athletes and Artists Resist Football’s Head Gear”

  • Jaime Schultz (Penn State University): "Consumed: On Women, Distance Running, Disordered Eating, and Illness Narratives"

  • Moderated by Glenn Houlihan, a PhD student in American Studies at the University of Iowa

This event is a part of the Sports, Power, and Resistance: Legacies and Futures Obermann Arts and Humanities Symposium. 

Free and open to all.

Saturday, September 23, 2023 10:30am to 12:00pm
Iowa City Public Library
Rooms A, B, and C
123 South Linn Street, Iowa City, IA 52240
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